MBST / MRT and the Nobel Prize in Medicine 2017

MRT and the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

One of the things I love about the technology providers that I work with is that they are as dedicated as I am to keeping up to date and moving forward. Now Med Tec, the German company who design and produce our MRT (MBST) machines is a pure science driven business! Constantly involved in research and organising studies to better understand the science behind the results as well as improve…

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Plank works your core without the risk

Will a strong core stop back pain?

Often people with back pain are told that their “core” isn’t strong, that they should “strengthen their core” to relieve their back pain. What is your core? Roughly speaking, when people refer to the core they mean the muscles between the base of your ribs and your hips: The pelvic floor muscles transversus abdominis multifidus internal and external obliques rectus abdominis erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis the diaphragm the latissimus dorsi gluteus maximus trapezius Is your…

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