Dermatomes and nerve pain that doesn't get better at Bodyworks Clinic Marbella

Pain that doesn’t get better – how Dermatomes can help

I’ve written a few times now about nerve pain and how it confuses treatment. The problems with nerve pain are: Identifying it Finding the root cause And this is why you can be having the best tennis/golfers elbow treatment, the best carpal tunnel treatment, the best knee and leg pain treatment with no effect. Because it’s actually a problem with the nerve supplying that area not that area itself. The…

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Taming the lion of chronic pain and central sensitization

Chronic Pain – Part 2

In my first article about chronic pain I started to explain a little about why chronic pain is different and needs to be treated differently. I talked about the science behind it and how pain works. Now let’s start to put that into context of how chronic pain affects you and how it makes you feel. One of the terms we often use when talking about chronic pain is “central…

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Feels like . . . neurological pain

Feels like . . . . The game of neurological pain assessment

As a kid one of my favourite games was Charades. Is it a movie. . .  Sounds like . . . . Now as a physiotherapist, when doing an initial assessment I play a different kind of game with my patients – Feels like . . . . And I watch the movements of my patients as closely as I listen to the words. Pain is a funny thing –…

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The median nerve runs from the neck to the wrist through the Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel and Migraines – both a pain in the neck?

I’ve spoken about both of these conditions before and the difficulty in getting a good resolution to both, but there is a common cause to both conditions, one which is often ignored. New research published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons shows that “patients with carpal tunnel syndrome are more than twice as likely to have migraine headaches”. The study then poses the question: “Could Migraine indicate a higher…

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Bodyworks WORKS

The vital importance of talking to your patient!

Again and again and again I go on about how important a proper assessment is for a correct diagnosis. You MUST actually talk to and examine your patient! The variety of medical testing available is fantastic, MRI scans and X-rays, nerve testing, blood tests . . . the list goes on and on (and in some private hospitals on and on and on again!). And these are fantastic at giving…

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